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In December, Hope For Today Recovery celebrated 5 years of being here for our community! Over the past 5 years we have seen God move in some truly miraculous ways through this ministry and do so so many amazing things!
We have 40-60 attendees each week with 2 meetings weekly! A grand total of 10,963 people have walked through the doors over the last 5 years!
We have witnessed around 50 Salvations and 38 Baptisms!
We have seen several healings, true deliverance, restoration and countless answered prayers!
We have given out 648 Recovery Bibles!
We have handed out countless sobriety chips and hundreds of these shiny sobriety coins. My favorite is the "blue chip" which stands for laying whatever your struggle is down and surrendering it to Christ!
This past week alone, we sent 3 men to a year long Discipleship Program where they will work solely on theirselves and their relationship with Lord while restoring their families and all that Satan stole from them!
Hope For Today has sent a total of 31 men and 2 women to this particular year long Discipleship Program where I myself work closely with the admissions coordinator and each center!
This past year we became our very own official 501c3! If you would like to donate please reach out to Brianna Chamberlin!  All monetary donations are tax deductible!
God is continuing to do BIG things. within Hope For Today!
We covet your prayers!